Art Auction - Call for Entries!

Tim Biskup canvas print donated by Virtu Art Gallery

The last art auction in November enabled Lunch Bunch to provide meals for the homeless for 6 months. With the help of generous artists and collectors, we raised over $2700! Without the help of you guys, it would be very difficult for us to afford to pay for a fresh, filling meal for 24-48 extra people every week. Words cannon express how grateful we are to have your support.

Lunch Bunch is planning another art auction in May because we are now running low on funds. This time we'd like to give everyone enough notice to mail their art donations to us!

What you can donate:
-Original sketches, drawing, or painting.

Deadline for entries: May 20th, 2010

We want to make sure every artist is happy with their donation. You can choose to donate any percentage of your proceeds to Lunch Bunch. Last year 100% of ALL PROCEEDS went directly to the homeless.

Email me with your submission:

A special thanks goes to the artists that donated to us last year:
The artists participating are: Chet Zar, Tim Biskup, Glenn Barr, Amanda Visell, Jeremiah Ketner, Jeremy Berkley, Shannon Bonatakis, Liz McGrath & Morgan Slade, Frank Stockton, Fang Ling Lee, Peter Chan, Scott Musgrove, Nouar, Scott Belcastro, Estela Hyde, Gary Baseman, Amy Sol, Dominique Fung, Daniel Elson, Aimee Kuester, Natalie Shau, Jenna Colby, John Zaso, N.C. Winters, Jeannie Lynn Paske, Scott Saw and Christopher Umana!

Donated Art from Last Year:

Original drawing donated by Amy Sol

Toy and print set donated by Gary Baseman


  1. What you guys doing are great! It's good to know there are still warm loving people like you to shed some lights for others in need... (^_^)

  2. Ana, great job that you (and everyone else) are doing with the lunch bunch. Although, for the collectors, I would appreciate if you would disclose the percentage that each piece will contribute to the fund. All other things being equal, I'd be happy to bid more on a piece that will contribute 100% proceeds than on one that will contribute only 10%.



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