Lunch Bunch - Week 4
The beautiful photos were taken by Ara Devejian
Lunch Bunch started off the day at 7:30 am, which is a miracle considering this is the day after the fourth of July. We went to Jet Rag, our donation drop off location.
While we waited, Mere found some nice jackets and sweaters at the $1 sale and I went across the street to the 99cent store to buy the remaining items for the lunches.
We ended up with a total of 0 donations, and 16 jackets from Jet Rag.

This weeks items.
Lunch Bunch started off the day at 7:30 am, which is a miracle considering this is the day after the fourth of July. We went to Jet Rag, our donation drop off location.
While we waited, Mere found some nice jackets and sweaters at the $1 sale and I went across the street to the 99cent store to buy the remaining items for the lunches.
We ended up with a total of 0 donations, and 16 jackets from Jet Rag.
This weeks items.
We'd like to thank Ara, Jessica, Patricia, Amy, Marie, and Lourdes for their very generous donations this week. We've been able to more than double the number of meals we make in the past few weeks with your help! You guys have been so wonderful and supportive!

The sandwich factory.

We made 70 lunches this week!
Mere and Ana, the Lunch Bunch crew.
We started with our usual spots, in Hollywood first, then straight to downtown to the congested areas. The 70 lunches were passed out pretty quickly and everything went smoothly as usual except for a small incident towards the end of the trip where a couple of possible drug dealers tried to make it known that we were on their territory. They took two of our lunches, after parking their shiny convertible car in front of ours and getting in line with the homeless people awaiting their food. We weren't about to say no to drug dealers so we gave up the bags and bolted. One of them got a bit aggressive too. Some people have no hearts.
We spotted Jesus giving advice to Cat Woman.
the lunch bunch bread looks soo cool!