Hope and Donations

I am very excited to be doing Lunch Bunch with Ana. In the short amount of time we have been planning and executing the idea of Lunch Bunch I have noticed a very positive change in me and those around me. I think that there will be a positive domino effect with those around us because of the feeling that comes from doing something nice for someone else. The feeling of hope and well wishing for another is strongly contagious!

Lately I have been spending a lot of time explaining the idea of Lunch Bunch; from my simple explanation comes a feeling of hope. This strong feeling is so important for Lunch Bunch because we do need word of mouth. Telling someone about Lunch Bunch can cause much change, spark interests, bring in donations and create awareness.

Although material donations are extremely important, having Lunch Bunch discussed and more known is a cognitive donation. We are very appreciative for any contribution: verbal, edible or spendable! We are aware that these are hard times and giving might not be possible, but the gift of idea is free and priceless!

As far as what we hope for Lunch Bunch- it is happening! We both look forward to making and delivering the sandwiches. We talk to each other about what we think and how we can improve. I know that when I talk to Ana about Lunch Bunch I get an overwhelming feeling of hope and awesomeness. My feelings come from knowing what could be and seeing us working well together and within the community. I can say that I am happy with how Lunch Bunch is turning out and what we have done together so far. I am also very proud of Ana Bags and all the works she has done! She has also sold amazing prints for this good cause; I could say she steam driving the train!

There is so much potential for all sorts of good things to come, thank you to everyone who is doing their best for change!


  1. awwwwwwwwww mere, you're the best! I'm proud of you too. I knew if there was anyone that would jump at the chance to do this, it would be you. I'm really excited about Sunday. I'm going to buy some underwear and socks too!


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